Thursday, January 25, 2007

Writing Option # 2

I think my favorite teacher I have had so far is Mr. Holly, he taught math. His teaching methods were different from all the other teachers and he made learning fun. He always had new ideas and games that we learned to pick up math skills. He is the teacher that made me enjoy math. He actually made me enjoy and learning new things. He was always tring to get us to step out of the box.

He got along with all the kids and never put any of the students down like some teachers do. He was always there when you needed help and he would always out in that extra effort to help you understand. He wanted us all to do well he didn't judge us and he understood that eveyone goes at their own pace and he helped you keep up.

He was kind of like Drona because he always rewarded us when we did well. Another way he was similar is because he was always tring to teach a lesson even if it didn't have anything to do with math he just wanted his students to succeed in life. he taught me a lot of things and I will never forget my 7th grade year of math because I think thats the year I learned the most dealing with school and life.

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