Thursday, January 25, 2007

Poems by Sappho

1. I think I understand He Is more Than A Hero To Me because it is broken up into little segments and uses a lot of feeling words and words that show the actions of what shes doing. Some of the words used are listens, laughter, drumming and trembling.

3. I think its saying that if you never express your true feelings then its like your abandoning what you truly feel. I think in the poem He Is More Than A Hero To Me She feels thats he is world her life and she wouldn't and couldn't live her life without him in it, he completes her. In To Aphrodite... it seems as if the writer is deacribing a place that is unreal a place she only goes whaen she feels a certian way.

4. He Is More Than A Hero and To Aphrodite Of The flowers, At Knossos, because it talked about a lot of emotion and Sappho talked about real life which is full of emotion.

6. I think that a good person to represent these poems in song would be Alicia Keys. The reason I think she would do the poems justice in song is because her voice and sound gives off a lot of emotion when she is singing.

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