Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Egyptian Literature

2. He sounds serious and worried. He wants to make sure he has his blessing for his future when he enters his next life.

3. Because Ra is the one who begins the day. He starts the day off since he is the sun god.

4. She is ready to be with her love and she wants to be with him forever. She will be there no matter what.

6. In the poem Whenever I Leave You, I Go Out Of Breath is the one that made me have the most feelings. You could truely feel waht she was saying. She felt as that her life was just not the same without her love in it.

7. In "I'm Going Down Stream on Kings Water Canal" the writer wants to be married to her love and in "Whenever I Leave You, I Go Out Of Breath" is willing to be with her love no matter what.

8. In todays society we don't plan for death or really what will happen after. There are few arrangmanets but I believe we just take it as it comes because death is usually unexpected.

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