Wednesday, March 7, 2007

A Drop Of Milk

1. A question I have about this myth is how did this come around as a creation myth.

2. That the world was created by a large drop of milk.

3. With each event something comes along to defeat it. Like blindness defeats man by making him go to sleep and you can't see when you are sleeping and each one just overcomes the other.

4. Gueno came to defeat death because he was the only one that could defeat death.

5. You find that there is always a series of events that go on that messes up the first or it can help it.

6. If the man had not been so proud maybe people wouldn't have been selfish. Man would be more willing to help others insted of themselves.

7. In Fulani hey used would was first used to create the earth which was rain. They showed a picture of Popul Vuh they used what the story was really about which was the floods and the arks.

8. Death exsit because that would mean that nothing would go away and if we were still growing in number as a people, where would everyone go or fit.

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