Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Chinese Poetry

1. The poem that appealed to me the most was the one called Gazing at the Lu Mountain Waterfall. The reason that it appealed to me was because of all the feeling and discribing words. You could picture what the writer was feeling and it made you feel as if you were in that same location the way it was discribed

2. The relationship between The River Merchants Wife and her husband was very distent. The reason for this was because they were far away from eachother.

3. I think the speakers feeeling are that he wants to be home. He isn't exactly sure whats going on aroound him but he knows where he wants to be.

4. The effect on seeing the waterfall in Gazing Out... is that the speaker can imagine himself in different place, when he sees the waterfall he goes places in his own mind.

6. The similarities are of that both poems are speaking of love. The differences are that in the poem Mullberry on the Lowland it is talking about a love that is kept on the inside and in the poem The River Merchants Wife its talking of a love that is known of a couple.

7. I think most people take nature for granted. People just know that is there and are too busy to stop and take a look at it and enjoy the nature around them. It is seen in everyday life.

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