Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Reality TV

I enjoy watching reality tv. Its funny seeing how people act when they are on tv but they arent following a script. I think a lot of reality tv stars try to be something they are not just because they are being viewd by paople around the world.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Women In Botswana

Women in Botswana do not have many rights of life. They are raped daily by their male partners and sometimes passed around to many other men. They are not treated as equals. Women are beaten and abused by their male partners and not respected at all. The average age of life for women is 20 and out of a 1000 female infents 52 of them die.

Women also sometimes have to do a mans work as they call it in their country. They preform manual labor and must proide for their families. Only 55% of the head of the family have some kind of education. The precentage is even lower for the number of women.

Almost 37% of preganat woman in Botswana are infected with HIV, there are about 40,000 births per year. Most of the time this is passed on to the child from the mother. Almost every child in this country has at least one parent infected with HIV if not both.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Teen Life

I think teen life has gone through a major change over the last few years. I think it is becoming more difficult to grow up in the world these days with new technology and ideas. The world is more dangerous and teens have a lot more responsibility and choices these days. They have jobs and pretty much have to take care of themselves. Teen life is hard and others will never understand what we go through each day unless they have grown up the same way during the same time.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


I think crime is a choice. You don't have to break the rules. If you commit crimes you will be punished and you have to deal with the consequences. I also think people commit crimes to get attention. If you commit a crime everyone knows about it. Its all over the news and in the newspapers.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Chinese Poetry

1. The poem that appealed to me the most was the one called Gazing at the Lu Mountain Waterfall. The reason that it appealed to me was because of all the feeling and discribing words. You could picture what the writer was feeling and it made you feel as if you were in that same location the way it was discribed

2. The relationship between The River Merchants Wife and her husband was very distent. The reason for this was because they were far away from eachother.

3. I think the speakers feeeling are that he wants to be home. He isn't exactly sure whats going on aroound him but he knows where he wants to be.

4. The effect on seeing the waterfall in Gazing Out... is that the speaker can imagine himself in different place, when he sees the waterfall he goes places in his own mind.

6. The similarities are of that both poems are speaking of love. The differences are that in the poem Mullberry on the Lowland it is talking about a love that is kept on the inside and in the poem The River Merchants Wife its talking of a love that is known of a couple.

7. I think most people take nature for granted. People just know that is there and are too busy to stop and take a look at it and enjoy the nature around them. It is seen in everyday life.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Poetry Ancient Rome

1. I thin the advice given in the poems is good advice. It makes you think about how you should live your life and what kind of changesyou can make using this advice.

2. The advice given in Seize The Day is to live ech day as one and not think about tomorrow. Live each day like its your last because tomorrow is not always promised.

3. I think that the speaker means that you should have your own role not follow and be yourself. If you do unto others as you would like you will have a happy life.


5. The poems all teach good advice that you can use to better yourself. The poems give delight by being short almost like songs. THe poems also give to delight written in a way showing grace, charm, and the precision of language.

6. I like the image shown in the poem of Better to Live, Licinius... because it shows everyone doing their own thing and living their lives the way they want.

7. I think the poem that gives he best advice is Seize the Day it tells you that you should live life to the fullest and not think about tomorrow worry about today and live life the way you want.

8. Yes i agree, I this means that you should have goals. start with small goals and work your way to the top. Don't start something you can't finish.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007


I enjoy every holiday that is celebrated by my family. Holidays give me time to be around my family and friends. We get time of school and work. Holidays give you a chance to pratice what you believe and traditions you like to follow. One of my favorite holidays is Christmas because its the time when my entire family gets together and visits. This is my favorite time throughout the year. I think holidays are good to have and celerbrate.

Nelson Mandela Celebrates a National Hero


1. They are being honored for doing something good for their country and other people. They are protecting those of all types. They are also both honored for theirs deaths. Theywere all legendary heros and are a big part of history.

2. It is important to keep the memory of Biko alive and going because he did things that were very important for others back then and it also helped to make the world a better place. He was and still is a heros but was beaten to death by officers while trying to do better.


I think that abortion sholud only be aloud in certain situations. Abortion is like murder and thats not a good thing for people to think that if you get prenant and you don't want it you can just get rid of it. I think that if a lady is raped and becomes pregnant she could have an abortion also if you find out that your baby will be ill and will never get better you can also get one. But if you just want one it shouldn't be aloud it is your responsiblity to take care of a child if you become pregnant.