Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Quest Story

The story that I chose is Freedom Writers. The hero in this sory was the teacher,
Ms. Gurell. she is on journey to help her students that no one thought had a chance. She was the only one that believed in them. This was the first time she had every taught and the first time she had every had a class.

What she was trying to do is educate her class and get them to understand that they do matter and people do believe in them. Everyone is against them and all he students are aganist eachother because they are a different race or have different upbringings. She wanted them to learn that they could all get along despite their differences or what other people thoght.

In the end she taught them that there were people that were there to help them and that they could get along with people in the class even though they were very different. They learned that change started on the inside and getting an education would help them get where they wanted to go. The power that she has and gave to her students is knowledge. The special people that helped her on the way were her students and her dad who didn't always understand her but he was always there for her.

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