Thursday, January 18, 2007

Greek Culture

1. The Greek religion is different because it has no sacred writings, which the other religions listed do such as the Bible.

2. They are like humans because they show emotions such as love, hate, and jealousy, but they are different because they live forever and humans don't.

3. In this democracy about one-fifth of the population can be involved in the government. They have a law making body that put together laws that have been passed. Any citizen can be a part of it and cansubmit a law for debate. Many positions were paid so even the poor people could hold office.

4. The three greatest thinkers were Socrates, Plato, and Aristle.

5. Some of the events were in the Olympics and are still presented in todays games are boxing, wrestling, the javelin, discus throwa, and races of all kinds.

6. They used the letters to represent all the sounds in the Greek language


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